
Tours in Israel

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 Mediterranean coast of Israel tours

Mediterranean coast of Israel tours (in Russian). Original programs to explore Haifa, Caesarea, Akko and Rosh HaNikra


Caesarea is the residence of the Roman procurators. 

When you come there you will see that the city corresponded to all the requirements of ambitious Herod the Great. The remains of palace and hippodrome, Roman baths and port and, of course, Roman theatre, the pearl of Caesarea National Park, where concerts and operatic performance are held nowadays. A stone block mentioning the name "Pontius Pilatus" was found during excavations in Caesarea. Crusaders also did not overlook this port city. It is considered they kept famous the Holy Grail and moved it to Europe exactly from here.

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Zikhron Ya'akov

Zikhron Ya'akov is a small town, and Baron Edmond James de Rothschild was its patron. Baron Rothschild and his wife are buried in famous Baron Rothschild park. Visit Zikhron Ya'akov wineries, the biggest ones not only in Israel, but along the entire Middle East.


We continue our trip along coastal plain towards Haifa, the most beautiful Israeli city located at the bottom of Mount Carmel. The combination of sea and mountain landscape makes Haifa irresistibly attractive. A small fishing village as Haifa used to be in the past grew up in the 3rd largest city of Israel, a cultural, industrial and scientific center.

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We will get to Akko through Haifa suburbs. We will walk along the Old City and texts of chivalric romances will appear in front of you by way of fortification walls, halls of Grand Master and hidden underground passages. Akko was a capital of a crusader state in 13th century CE. Akko’s Old City has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

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Rosh HaNikra grottoes

Rosh HaNikra grottoes are a geologic formation on the north of Israel, on the border with Lebanon. The grottoes are solutional caves formed as result of corrosion of Rosh HaNikra cliff by sea water. In order to make tourists access to the grottoes easier 400 meters long gallery (giving excellent view on the whole Northern coast of Israel) was dug through the cliff. Rosh HaNikra grottoes also have cable car service in order to assist descent for the cliff to the tunnels.



Акко, порт старого города

Akko, Old City port

Гроты Рош ха-Никра

Rosh HaNikra grottoes

Нетания, набережная

Netanya, embankment

Хайфа, Бахайские сады

Haifa, Bahai Gardens

Археологические раскопки древнего города Кейсария

Archeological excavations of Caesarea town




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